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Two Green Man Workshops - Places on Sun - Sat is full

Posted by: Carl Radford

Event website: https://bookwhen.com/scottishpotters/

Greenman Workshops

Masks are seen in many cultures and come in many forms. They can show humour, be funny, cheeky, imaginative, grotesque or symbolicThese workshops will use hand-building techniques to make a wall-hanging mask depicting the mythical Green Man. Samples and illustrations to inspire you!

Two One Day workshops taught by Moira Ferguson

Some photos/sketches for inspiration – search the internet for Green Man and other
masks from various cultures around the globe.

An apron or workshop clothes                                       

Tools and materials, tea and coffee provided. Feel free to bring any baking. Lunch is not
provided but there is a local sandwich bar that the hub uses – menu and order on the

For a fee completed items can be bisque fired (tbc) or take your work home to fire

Whilst this workshop is free a donation of £5-10 for clay and towards the tea and
coffee fund would be most welcome. This can be given to Moira or Carl on the day.

Full details and booking: https://bookwhen.com/scottishpotters/