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“Seasons Cycle” Exhibition

“Seasons Cycle” Exhibition

Watermill Gallery, Aberfeldy 3rd April – 16th  May

Submission Deadline 14th February, 2021 

IMG 0753


 It's time to submit your best ceramics!

20 SPA members' work will be selected to display in this exhibition with around 100 pieces in total. This is a commercial gallery so everything must be for sale.

Whether you are a new potter or an established professional, please consider entering work on this theme. The selection will depend on images of the work sent, so please be sure to send as good quality images as you can, to the 3 selectors before the deadline of 14th February. The work will be judged on images sent and not on previous work.

The quality of the photographs will also be considered when selecting work for exhibition publicity, the Watermill website and inclusion in the exhibition catalogue produced by the gallery.

This exhibition will be selected from photographs of work sent by SPA members.

Please choose your best ceramics that are loosely related to the theme of 'Seasons Cycle', 

1- 5 individual pieces or a maximum of 5 sets of small pieces.

Photograph them as well as you can, up to 3 images per piece.

Use jpg files, file size min 1 MB max 5MB. 

Name each photo with the title of the work and your own name.

You can find more details and information on how to submit your work here.

(Please join or re-join on the SPA website as this exhibition is open to members only.)